Celebration of the Eucharist/Gottesdienst

Bürgersaalkirche München
Neuhauser Straße 14, 80331 München
(located in the City Center Pedestrian Zone between Stachus and Marienplatz)
Sunday         15:00 Uhr (3:00 pm)
                       14:15 – 14:45 Uhr Confession
Wednesday  08:10 Uhr (8:10 a.m.)
For an International Community. All are welcome!
St. Bonifaz Basilika München
Karlstraße 34, 80333 München
(in walking distance to the U2 Station Königsplatz/Haltestelle Königsplatz)
Sunday 10:00 Uhr (10:00 am)
For an International Community. All are welcome!
Namen Jesu
Saherrstraße 15
80689 München/Laim
(Walking distance to Tram 18 Ammmerseestr./or U5 Laimer Platz)
Sunday 14:00 Uhr (2:00 pm)
For the Igbo-Nigerian Catholic Community
Mass celebrated in the Igbo language
Pfarrvikar Dr. Paul Nwandu
Handy: 0176 53038702

St. Benedikt München
Schrenkstraße 4, 80339 München
Tram 18/19, Haltestelle Schrenkstraße 
Every 4th Sunday at 16:00 Uhr (4:00 p.m.)
(Mass celebrated in Tagalog)
Officiating Priest: Father Jonas Piodo, SVD
Email: semfeuds2@yahoo.com