Logo Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München

Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München
English Speaking Catholic Mission

Landsberger Straße 39, 80339 München, Telefon: 089-500 3580, E-Mail: Englischsprachige-Gemeinde.Muenchen@ebmuc.de

Information for Visitors and Tourists

In the name of the team of the English-Speaking Catholic Mission here in the Archdiocese of München und Freising, allow me to extend a cordial welcome to you.

Information for Visitors and Tourists

We are delighted you are visiting our lovely city of Munich, and we hope and pray that you are enjoying your stay in the Capital of Bavaria.
In case you are looking to participate in the celebration of the Eucharist during your stay, please know of the following opportunities:

Wednesday Evening Mass at 18:00 (6:00 pm)

At the In-House Chapel of the English-Speaking Catholic Mission, Landsbergerstr. 39 (5th Floor with Elevator).
Tram 19 or 18 Stop/Haltestelle Schrenkstraße
Sunday Mass

o   3:00 pm (15:00 Uhr) every Sunday at Bürgersaalkirche
Neuhauser Straße 14; just footsteps from Karlsplatz Stachus (Stachus) and Marienplatz in the Pedestrian Zone; Mass is celebrated in the Upper Church, and is accessed via a staircase – wheelchair access is possible for Sunday Mass by ringing the Bell at Marianische Männerkongregation, Kapellenstr 1)
o   10:00 am every Sunday at St. Bonifaz Basilica – in the Crypt
Karlstraße 34, 80333 München (in walking distance to the U2 Station Königsplatz/Haltestelle Königsplatz)
In case you are looking to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) during your stay, please know of the following opportunities:

o   Sundays 2:15 pm to 2:45 pm (14:15 to 14:45 Uhr), before Mass, in the Bürgersaalkirche, Neuhauser Straße 14.
Please feel free to contact us via email: skappler@eomuc.de
Blessings, Fr. Stephan Kappler