Logo Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München

Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München

Landsberger Straße 39, 80339 München, Telefon: 089-500 3580, E-Mail: Englischsprachige-Gemeinde.Muenchen@ebmuc.de

Current Programs and Ministries

Youth Ministry Flyer

Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Please see the attached flyer/JPG for information.
Ministry of Lector - Flyer 2024

Liturgical Ministries

Please consider joining one of our liturgical ministries. We currently have a Ministry of Lectors, Ministry of Holy Communion, Ministry of Hospitality, Altar Servers, and Music Ministries. 
Please see the information below for the additional liturgical ministries.
RCIA 2024-2025

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

If you are an adult in need of Baptism and/or Confirmation and/or Holy Communion, or you are a Non-Catholic and want to join the Catholic faith, this RCIA Program is designed for you. Please check out the flyer for further info.
Feast Light München

Feast Light Prayer Group

Feast Light München is a monthly prayer gathering under the Light of Jesus Catholic Community founded in the Philippines by Bo Sanchez.
Ministry of Hospitality - Flyer 2024

Additional Liturgical Ministries

Ministry of Holy Communion - Flyer 2024

Additional Liturgical Ministries

Feast Light München

Additional Information for Feast Light

Ministry of Accompaniment

Ministry of Accompaniment