Logo Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München

Englischsprachige Katholische Gemeinde München

Landsberger Straße 39, 80339 München, Telefon: 089-500 3580, E-Mail: Englischsprachige-Gemeinde.Muenchen@ebmuc.de

St. Bonifaz Community

General Information

St. Bonifaz Basilika München
Karlstraße 34, 80333 München
(in walking distance to the U2 Station Königsplatz/Haltestelle Königsplatz)

Mass Time:

Sunday 10:00 Uhr (10:00 am)

For an International Community. All are welcome!

Welcome Message

The English-Speaking Catholic Mission of Munich cordially welcomes you. We are a truly international, multi-cultural community of believers. Our motto is "Together in Christ, we are One" and we strive to live as faith-filled Catholics, gathered in various communities around the beautiful city of Munich. 

The St. Bonifaz Community is blessed to gather Catholics from a variety of cultural backgrounds, including many African cultures, and we have our home at St. Bonifaz Benedictine Abbey, where we celebrate Sunday Eucharist in the Basilica Crypt.  

We are thrilled that you found us, and we welcome you to become more involved. Please browse the information provided on our website, or talk to one of our friendly Hospitality Ministers before or after Mass. Also, please feel free to email any of us for more information.
Sincerely, Fr. Stephan Kappler
St. Bonifaz