Communication Program for
English speaking or bilingual
(English German)
young couples (EPL)
19.-21.3.2021 ONLINE
Friday, 18.00 - 21.30
Saturday, 9.00 - 18.00
Sunday, 9.00 - 14.00
Costs: 120.- charge (per couple)
„We understand each other!“ - this is the basis of any relationship/marriage, at least at the beginning. In order to preserve this mutual understanding, besides the sincere commitment of each partner, certain skills are required. The EPL communication-training program helps the couples to acquire those skills.
The general principles of couple communication will be covered not only theoretically. More importantly, the couples will have the opportunity, in practical exercises, to learn how to enrich their positive communication and how to resolve their disagreements. All personal conversations within the couple will take place in the privacy of separate rooms.
In addition, the communication difficulties arousing from the fact of being bi-national couples or of living abroad, confronted with a different culture, shall be addressed.
Course instructors are certified communication consultants for EPL; they will support and supervise you throughout the entire program.
Further information will be provided upon request (address see below).
Erzbischöfliches Ordinariat, Ehevorbereitung
Postfach 33 03 60, 80063 München
Tel.: 089 2137-1549